action clamps operate thorough a linkage system of levers and pivots.
The fixed-length levers, connected by pivot pins, supply the action
and clamping force. Toggle action has an over-center lock point
which is a fixed stop and linkage. Once in the over-center position,
the clamp cannot move or unlock unless the linkage is moved. All
types of toggle clamps have this same action, just oriented differently.
Action Force Factors
the maximum clamping or exerting force developed in any toggle action
clamp is attained when the three pivot points of the mechanism are
in a straight line. While this is theoretically true, it makes no
allowance for vibration and intermittent load conditions found in
industrial applications. Such conditions would soon unlock an improperly
designed clamp. The proper amount of over-center travel to produce
maximum holding force and yet ensure positive locking is a carefully
calculated and controlled dimension developed by years of experimentation
and experience.
Throughout this catalog each clamp is rated with its holding capacity.
This is the maximum load or force the clamp will sustain in the
closed and locked position without permanent deflection. Exerting
forces applied as the clamp closes are less then the holding capacity
and are dependent on such variables and the position of the operator's
hand on the handle, amount of force applied and position of the
spindle on the bar.