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MJ Vail Company


  • Effectively isolate disturbing frequencies as low as 900 rpm (15Hz)
  • Cold-rolled steel construction
  • Optional stainless steel version available upon request for highly corrosive and marine applications
  • Elastomer in shear design
  • Sizes can be mixed to offset unbalanced loads

  • Effectively interrupts noise transmission paths to prevent sounding board amplification
  • Extends machinery life
  • Resistant to oils, most solvents and ozone
  • Provides up to 90% isolation efficiency at 1,500 rpm (25Hz)

Load Range
  • 5 load ratings up to 260 lbs. per mount
Low Profile, low frequency elastomeric noise and vibration isolators for medium weight industrial equipment.

633A Series Mounts

Barry 633A Series Mounts are medium weight mounts normally used for vertically applied loads to prevent transmission of noise and vibration caused by rotation of imbalanced equipment (i.e. generators, blowers, pumps, etc...)
  • Industrial equipment, tools, and machinery
  • Generators
  • Pumps & Blowers
  • HVAC equipment
  • Chillers

    Natural Frequency 8 Hertz
    Transmissibility at Resonance 8:1
    Resilient Element Neoprene
    Standard Materials Cold-rolled Steel or Stainless Steel
    Weight 633A-60 through 130 = 7oz.
    633A-200 and 260 = 16 oz.

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    MJ Vail Company


    M.J. Vail Company
    is an authorized Barrymount Distributor
    10 Ilene Court Suite 4 - Hillsborough, New Jersey 08844  USA
    Phone Toll Free-1 800 526-6003 * In NJ- 908 359-6000
    FAX- 908 359-0518